Office News
Ontario Primary school 2020-2021
Ontario Primary school 2020-2021![]()
Ontario Primary school 2020-2021
So proud of these Ontario Students! Back to Hybrid and doing AWESOME!
February 2021

Remote Learning to start the year! October 2020

We miss our Ontario Family!
Check out our video.
Thank you Lt. Tina Jackson from the State Highway Patrol for helping pass out lunches to our AACS families today at Save a Lot !
Ontario Primary's doors are closed until May 1, 2020 due to COVID 19.
On March 30th Gov. DeWine announced that school will not resume until at least May 1, 2020. We have created additional learning packets for the coming weeks that can be picked up at Huron during our lunch distribution times from 11:00 - 12:30 Wednesday through Friday, April 1, 2 & 3, 2020. Please pull through the car loop at Huron, please remain in your car and give your child’s name and grade. You will receive your academic packet. You can also pick up your child’s lunch at that time. Due to safety issues, we will NOT be collecting the previous completed packets yet. Please keep the packet until notified how and when to return. These packets are the assignments that your child is expected to complete. When we have a safe plan for returning them we will let you know by phone or DOJO how to
return both packets.
Please check class DOJO daily for videos and support for your child. If you are not signed up for DOJO please sign up. If you are having trouble signing up for DOJO please call the school office at 440-992-1241.
AACS Lunch Distribution Updates
Attention Ashtabula Area City School Parents. This is an important message regarding the lunch program.
Please note important added and/or modified distribution sites denoted with an asterisk.
Attention Ashtabula Area City School Parents. This is an important message regarding the lunch program.
Please note important added and/or modified distribution sites denoted with an asterisk.
Distribution Sites are as follows:
Lakeside High School – 6600 Sanborn Road
Plymouth Township Fire Hall parking lot - 1001 Plymouth Rd
Ashtabula County YMCA rear parking lot - 263 West Prospect Road
*Save-A-Lot Parking lot 822 Lake Ave. *this is a change from Mother of Sorrows*
Peoples Baptist Church parking lot – 3837 West Avenue
Busy Beaver parking lot – 1144 West Prospect Road (Rt. 20)
Richmond Transportation parking lot – 5456 Main Ave.
Harbor Ridge – 1917 Lambros Lane
Across the street from Thomas Fence – Corner of West Prospect Road (Rt.20) and Woodman Ave.
*G.O. Ministry – 3703 Station Ave
Any community partners, churches or businesses wishing to donate snacks for lunch bags may do so by contacting the Superintendent’s office at 992-1201.
Families should utilize the following telephone numbers with any questions: School Offices 992-1200, press 1 then select building
Nutrition Services 993-2543
Lakeside Seniors @Ontario Primary
Lakeside High School seniors volunteer their time at Ontario Primary school
and the students love to have them here!

2nd & 7 Foundation
Lakeside Girls and Boys Basketball Teams read to our second grade students today! The importance of knowing that academics come first as these young Dragons learn from these amazing high school student athletes.

100th day of school was AWESOME at

Breakfast with the Principal for ROAR students - Respectful - Outstanding Academics, Always Safe and Responsible.

Books were donated in Loving Memory of Sandy Babin a former teacher at AACS.

Spirit Week October 7-10, 2019

Students working hard at Ontario Primary School!

Establishing friendships and being good PAX leaders at Ontario Primary School!

Administrative Assistant
School Times
7:20 - Drop off
7:45 - 8:15 - WOW time - Literacy and Math scheduled time. building wide.
8:00 am- 2:15 pm - School Day
Excusable Absences are:
1. personal illness
2. illness in the student's family
3. death in the student's family
4. quarantine for a medical reason
5. religious reasons
6. emergency - which is determined by the superintendent or building principal
The office must be notified with a phone call prior to 8:30 A.M. on the day of absence. A written explanation is required on the day the student returns to school from an absence.
Any student arriving after 10:00 A.M. is counted absent for a half day. A students who is late to school must report to the building office.
Every effort should be made to schedule medical and dental appointments after the school day. Those wishing to be dismissed early from school should bring a written note stating the reason for early dismissal. The note should include parent/guardian's name and phone number for verification.
No students shall be released to anyone who is not authorized.
Any visitor/guest must register in the Principal's office immediately upon entering the school building.
Parents and the public are always welcome to visit school. All visitors are asked to register in the Principal's office first. Please call ahead for an appointment with the administrator, teacher, or person with whom one wants to meet.
When weather is extremely severe or a calamity occurs, parents are asked to listen to the local radio stations WFUN - WZOO and TV Channel 5, Cleveland.